I invite you to dance an online Qoya class with me around the theme of Heart Opening, inspired and supported by the plant medicine of the Hawthorn. Together we will explore our relationship to what it feels like to open our hearts through meditation, movement, community and ritual.
Hawthorn is currently blooming in many parts of the UK, where it grows native and retains a long history of spiritual, medicinal and energetic uses, along with making its way into the folklore of spring, Beltane, weddings and faeries. I work with this plant regularly, in lieu of other foreign plant medicines like cacao, and know firsthand it’s heart-opening properties.
In Celtic mythology, Hawthorn is one of the most sacred trees and symbolises love and protection.
The flowers, leaves and fruits of the Hawthorn have properties that reduce blood pressure and stimulate the heart. Hawthorn’s essence cleanses the heart of negativity and stimulates love and forgiveness.
Hawthorn is also known as the Faerie Tree, as it is believed these trees are portals to the faerie world and places where faeries live as guardians of the trees and the land, and so hawthorns, especially in Celtic lands like Ireland and Cornwall, have been treated with great respect and care.
In this Qoya workshop, we will spend time connecting to the medicine and energy of this plant, and its invitation to open our hearts, both through movement and ritual.
The class is £20 to attend live and £10 for the recording. If you would like a package sent to you containing Cornish Hawthorn magic (hawthorn tea, berries, thorns, leaves and a heart opening crystal), you can pay an additional £7 (UK residents only and deadline for booking is 2 June). Please message me to book your place. Payment via PayPal using friends and family(meghanefield@gmail.com) or bank transfer.
I can’t wait to dance with you, held by the medicine of the hawthorn.